Friday, December 29, 2006

The Un...

A carve on the branch of a tree

A carve on the curve of a bent

A carve on the stone ancient

A carve on the being of humans old

A cave in the trunk of a tree

A cave in the dark of night sky

A cave in the stone of a mountain

A cave in the heart unseen

A beat in the slap on a cheek

A beat in the clap of a song

A beat in the meter of the heart

A beat in the unknown silent night

Vacuum flowers in a newly grown cavity

From existing unused untouched cave

It does vanish just by a carve on that edge of the cave

Gives life a bent until the edge creates vacuum again

Silence descends in vacuum

As it also does after noise

Vice-versa too holds true

As has this very thought (from sleep?)

**Well the last line just hints as to how this post came up. It was one of those few breezy nights when sleep doesnt need to sleep and mind keeps wandering in the lanes that it creates for itself. The start three lines came as a flash like a flashboard already existing in one such new lane and subsequent boards read the coming lines forming the above thought which got painlessly delivered within few minutes of its birth. Its finally, just a thought...anyway


  1. A Thgt of curvy yet goin straight deep within ...carving a niche in da vacuum of da heart!
    A Thgt of provocative yet so simple... tingling in u , in da dark silence of da nite , from da turmoil of ur mind!
    A Thght of urs...very tru' potent ... very latent...

    Very Gud work ma



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